
Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles

1. SPG打折買分


D3. Will members be able to transfer points to other members? If so, under what circumstances?

Points transfer will continue to exist as it does today. Members can share points with any Rewards member they choose. Members can transfer 1,000-50,000 points per year. <added by Starwood Lurker 19Apr18>

2. 萬豪白金挑戰




A10. Will those who got Marriott Platinum via a status challenge this year (supposedly valid till Feb 2020) be switched to Platinum Elite or Platinum Premier Elite on August 1?

Platinum Premier Elite, if the member met the Platinum Elite challenge. <added by Starwood Lurker30Apr18>

A11. Does Platinum status via a successful status challenge in 2018, which is supposedly valid till Feb 2020 (see A10), remain in force throughout 2019, or will 2019 status now depend solely on actual nights stayed in 2018?

Yes, if the member met the Platinum challenge. <added by Starwood Lurker 30Apr18>

3. Marriott Moments競拍

我們之前寫過《SPG & Marriott Moments積分競拍介紹》,其中一個結論是SPG Moments那邊的競拍激烈度比Marriott Rewards這邊要激烈很多,這個結論現在依舊成立。


4. 大禮包


我們之前也分析過,SPG→Marriott→大禮包,可能是最划算的SPG點數轉為航空里程的方式。其中有提到因為積分可以按一定比例直接退回賬戶,使得SPG轉分比例進一步提高。根據現在的情況,萬豪還沒確定到底以和比例退換大禮包7FN點數,最差也是和現在一樣(比如Cat 1-5 FN退回45k點數),最終退回的點數不會低於這個數值。如果你期望的是SPG轉航空比例,那麼利用大禮包實現SPG轉航司積分只可能會更高而不是更低。


5. SPG 50N白金保級



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