One common way to apply for credit cards is to apply for several cards in the same day, and repeat every three months, which is call App-O-Rama (AOR). The reason to do AOR is that it takes some time for the new accounts to show up on credit reports, so other banks can’t see the new accounts in the same day, which might increase your chance to be approved. Keep in mind that it would be better to apply for credit cards of different banks in AOR, since applying for multiple credit cards of the same bank in the same day is more likely to be denied, and you will waste a Hard Pull for nothing. In this article we provide some guide on how long you should wait between credit card applications in the same bank based on statistical data:
Only one AmEx credit card can be approved in a day. This rule does not apply to charge cards, you can be approved for one credit card and multiple charge cards in the day. Multiple cards approved in the same day will only have one Hard Pull. Only 2 AmEx credit cards can be approved within 90 days, but again, this rule does not apply to charge cards. By the way, you can keep at most 5 AmEx credit cards, not including charge cards.
You can apply for 2 Chase credit cards in a day and there will be only one Hard Pull. Only 2 Chase credit cards can be approved within 30 days. So you may want to apply for 2 Chase cards in the same day if you have enough credit score. But please pay attention to the New Policy For Chase Credit Card before applying.
Only one Citi credit card can be approved within 8 days, and only two Citi credit cards can be approved within 65 days.
One can only be approved for two Discover cards, and the second one can only be approved once you have had the first one for at least a year.
You can apply for 3 BoA credit cards in a day, and there will only be one Hard Pull. But if you are a student, you can keep at most 2 BoA credit cards (including FIA) at the same time.
You can apply for serval Barclaycard credit cards in a day, and there will only be one Hard Pull. But usually only the first application could be an instant approval, and you need to ask for reconsideration to get the other ones.
US Bank
Data is deficient due to the difficulty of getting even one US Bank credit card.
Capital One
Hard Pulls for multiple applications in the same day will be merged. But keep in mind that Capital One will pull all 3 major credit bureau for one credit card application.