Update:United 终于顶不住压力了,CEO已经公开向乘客和公众道歉,以下是道歉信:
The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment. I share all of those sentiments, and one above all: my deepest apologies for what happened. Like you, I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard. No one should ever be mistreated this way.
I want you to know that we take full responsibility and we will work to make it right.
It’s never too late to do the right thing. I have committed to our customers and our employees that we are going to fix what’s broken so this never happens again. This will include a thorough review of crew movement, our policies for incentivizing volunteers in these situations, how we handle oversold situations and an examination of how we partner with airport authorities and local law enforcement. We’ll communicate the results of our review by April 30th.
I promise you we will do better.
4月9日UA 3411航班因为“超售”原因将一位亚裔乘客暴力赶下飞机的事现在是全世界最关心的话题之一,经过1天的发酵,事态又有了很多进展,尤其是我们知道了一些原本不知道的细节。在此我也愿意给大家分享一下我自己的部分观点,希望(尤其是有法律背景的朋友)一起来讨论讨论。
1. 当班航班是否涉及oversale
我不知道CFR/DOT有什么条款表明了在什么时间点之前可以界定oversale,以及如何将飞机“填满”算是oversale。但是在UA Contract of Carrier Document里找到了如下描述:
Oversold Flight means a flight where there are more Passengers holding valid confirmed Tickets that check-in for the flight within the prescribed check-in time than there are available seats.
想要登机的机组是在什么时候提出要上飞机的要求的,或者UA系统什么时候决定让他们进入航班信息系统的,也没有说。我在UA Contract of Carrier Document没有找到关于运输自家员工的相关条款。但如果UA拿不出证据表明是oversale,那么之后UA的行为真的可以适用denied boarding involuntarily due to oversold flight吗?
2. Denied Boarding的讨论
首先是此次事件是否算作denied boarding?相信很多朋友都倾向于认为不是,整个航班已经完成安检并登机完毕。照常理讲volunteer denied boarding应该至少在通过登机口之前完成,而且DOT的表述也明确提到应在checkin或者gate区域:
DOT rules require airlines to seek out people who are willing to give up their seats for compensation before bumping anyone involuntarily. Here’s how this works. At the check-in or boarding area, airline employees will look for volunteers when it appears that the flight has been oversold.
那么在乘客已经进入机舱并且落座之后,是否还适用voluntarily/involuntarily denied boarding的条款是一个问题。
此外,根据联邦法规规定(Title 14, Chap II, Subchap A, 250.2a):
§250.2a Policy regarding denied boarding.
In the event of an oversold flight, every carrier shall ensure that the smallest practicable number of persons holding confirmed reserved space on that flight are denied boarding involuntarily.
在此次事件中,我们可以确认机上乘客都是有confirmed space,那么根据此法规,UA真的做到了尽力让最小数量的人员不会被denied boarding involuntarily吗?就如同很多人讨论过的一样,这个问题也值得商榷。机组人员作为后来插队的,UA应该是尽力保证用其他方法运送那些人而不是让已经有comfirmed space的乘客走人,这一点首先就有问题。而且从ORD-SDF飞行只要1小时,开车4小时,UA是出于什么原因一定要让机组挤这一班飞机而不是赶之后的飞机或者采用其他运输方式,以后也可能会成为法庭争论的一个焦点吧(如果有官司的话)。
根据事件描述,至少我们能够确定,最后没有足够数量的人自愿下飞机。那么UA采取了involunteer denied boarding的手段,但是在这个过程中是如何选择乘客的,他们除了表面的说辞之外,也没有提供更多的信息,因此很多人怀疑就是机组手动选择的人员。
3. 芝加哥机场警察执法力度问题
4. 美联航CEO的回应
10日稍晚时候,UA CEO给员工又发了一封邮件:
文中对当事人采用的是disruptive and belligerent来描述,但实际上除了UA自己的说法,没有在其他地方见到视频或者文字表明乘客当时的行为状态。通篇都在为UA的行为开脱,给乘客甩锅(比如no compliance to crew member),但忘了争执的源头就来自为什么他们一定要让4位员工去抢走本来属于乘客的位置。毫无疑问,这封邮件被披露之后CEO和UA再一次受到猛烈的炮火,有网友表示如此CEO和如此企业文化,出这种事情不奇怪。
如果大家感兴趣的话,可以去看看微博@翼尖小翅老师对UA CEO信件的分析。
5. 当事人
有报道说,当事人曾经考虑充当自愿下机的志愿者。但是听闻下一班飞机是在1天之后,选择反悔并回到座位。在认同UA提出的re-arranged transportion之前,他提出的自愿下机并接受compensation的行为是否成立?我查了CFR和UA Contract of Carrier Document,都没看到类似对时间点的规定,但是在CFR的条款中250.2b.(c):
(c) If a carrier offers free or reduced rate air transportation as compensation to volunteers, the carrier must disclose all material restrictions, including but not limited to administrative fees, advance purchase or capacity restrictions, and blackout dates applicable to the offer before the passenger decides whether to give up his or her confirmed reserved space on the flight in exchange for the free or reduced rate transportation. If the free or reduced rate air transportation is offered orally to potential volunteers, the carrier shall also orally provide a brief description of the material restrictions on that transportation at the same time that the offer is made.
提到航司在offer free or reduced rate air transportation as compensation之前,需要让乘客知晓会存在的各种限制。因此我认为在当事人真正知晓他会搭乘的下班航班之前,他的口头答应是可以不算数并且可以回到他客舱座位的。
最后有人挖掘说当事人曾经有犯罪前科或者医疗技术不佳等问题,但我觉得这种背景不应当参与到此次事件的讨论中。我们应当仅仅关注当事人在当时的表现,尤其是其行为是否有触犯航空法规(尤其是安全相关的法规)的嫌疑,但目前除了UA CEO的disruptive & belligerent的说法,没在其他地方看到任何指责他危害航空安全的说辞。
- CFR关于超售部分的条款:Title 14, Chapter II, Subchapter A, Part 250 Oversales
- DOT: Fly Rights, A Consumer Guide to Air Travel
- United Airline: Contract of Carrier Document
- One of the officers who dragged a United Airlines passenger off a plane has been placed on leave
- United Airlines shows how to make a PR crisis a total disaster
- 从美联航CEO写给员工的信,来说说什么叫做上行下效